Saturday, January 25, 2014

I'm just one STOMACH FLU away from my goal weight...

Ok... So who remembers that quote from Emily to Andrea in "The Devil Wears Prada" movie??  If you're a female reading this, then you most likely know what I'm talking about it.  Well let me just tell ya, that stomach flu is called NOROVIRUS.

Norovirus: (aka the bitch virus on wheels) is from Australia (per google) and they've named her Sydney.  She's a combination of viruses that attack you're stomach and intestine lining and turns you inside out (literally) and makes you her bitch.  And not the good kind of bitch, like a bottom bitch...nooooooo, you are the Pimps first trick that he throws out to the wolves kind of bitch.  That's what the NOROVIRUS does to you.  For those of you that don't know what a bottom bitch is, just click the link here Bottom Bitch definition  for a description.

Unlucky enough for us, the bitch virus on wheels paid a visit to the Nucci clan.  Nucci is pronounced /new.chee/ just FYI.  The Nucci clan consist of: "BDG" ~ my husband (he makes Siri call him the full version of those letters, I'll spare the rest of you) "Blondie" ~ my oldest daughter, "Red Baby" ~ my youngest daughter and the original host of this virus even tho she didn't have to experience it's full wrath.  I should be calling her "devil baby" but she's too sweet and didn't mean to bring it home from daycare so she stays "Red Baby."  And then there's yours truly of course. :-)

If you've ever watched the Exorcist movie with Linda Blair where her head is spinning a full 360 and she vomits and shits everywhere (you know, the original one) well that has NONTHING on what the NOROVIRUS does to you.  So please my peeps, wash your hands and don't be that asshole that makes your kid go to school sick. Mind your p's and q's and say please and thank you...respect your elders and whatever other good stuff you can do to bring good karma your way...because bad karma comes in the form of the NOROVIRUS and her name is Sydney!  And by the way, I did loose 7 pounds in 2 days...pffftt! Hardly my goal weight.  But I'll take it!

If anyone reading this are moms or dads and have kids, you know that even though you are sick, the show must go on... If you're like us then you're show may have looked a lil like this....                          
Shit Storm1:  DURING
 That's our dog Frank the Tank in the above after pic.. But we just call him "Tank" and YES, my Christmas tree is still wanna know why??? So do I, so I'll have to get back to you on that one.

                                       Shit Storm2:  DURING                                                       
And of course "Red Baby" has to have a bath.  You can see that she really like her water crayons.
Until next time y'all!
xoxox - Christine

1 comment:

  1. One of my fav quotes from the Devil Wears Prada. I use it all the time. I love that your tree is still up!! No shame in that!
